Monday, March 16, 2015

Tuesdays with Morrie and the Power of the Mind-Body Connection

Staff Spotlight: Q&A with Alejandra Oquendo

Alejandra Paladino, Development Assistant at the CSC Benjamin Center

This month, we'd like to shine the spotlight on one of our very own staff members and soon-to-be mother, Alejandra Paladino! Alejandra works alongside Jen in handling all things related to development, ensuring all programming at the Benjamin Center remains free and open to all.

Hi Alejandra! Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me. How long have you been working at the Benjamin Center?

I've been working here since September of 2014 and - I actually just found out that my start date at the Center is actually my due date!

That's amazing! We are so excited for you! 

Thank you. My husband, Matt, and I (pictured left) are very excited as well.

So Alejandra, what is your typical day at the Center like and what was your motivation for getting involved? 

As a Development Assistant, I help with fundraising, processing donations, planning and coordinating events (like the upcoming Gala!) and generally just ensuring we are staying on track and meeting our deadlines.

In terms of getting involved, when I graduated, I knew I wanted to find a job that would make a difference. Helping other people with cancer spoke to me as I am also a cancer survivor. When I found the CSC Benjamin Center, I was drawn to its mission of health and wellness. The Center's mission resonated, as it is the way I try to live my life every day.

Wow, that is incredible. Do you have any opportunity to attend the programs here? Which ones are your favorite?  

I have enjoyed Reiki, Yoga and Meditation, though I wish I had more time to try some of the others! They are all so amazing.

Before we get back to your latest news - tell us something about yourself. Any favorite books that our readers should know about? 

Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom (pictured right). It's an amazing book. It's about a teacher who ends up getting diagnosed with Lou Gerigh's disease. It teaches him the importance of being present and of finding the beauty in simplicity.

When I read the book, I really took that message to heart.

There is life after cancer and I have never doubted that there was. When you are diagnosed, it is very scary, but you just have to focus on staying positive and doing the things that make you feel good. Don't dwell on what is happening or the negative. Stay positive. The mind-body connection is so powerful.

Thank you. Any parting words? 

Be sure to join us at the Gilda Award Gala, coming up on May 14th (blog post coming soon!).

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